Gaggenau partner of Festival on Festival



Gaggenau, German brand of BSH group specialized in high-end kitchens, is partner of “Festival on Festival”, a project included in the program of the events held at the XXI International Exhibition of the Triennale in Milan (from April 2 to September 12, 2016). All the events are connected by the theme “21st Century. Design after Design”. The “Festival on Festival” will involve the major international film festival dedicated to design and architecture. The program is structured in 8 appointments during which films will be presented telling the new artistic and design professions. The first meeting will be on April 16 at the Triennale, Teatro dell’Arte. Then, there are planned other events on May 24 and 25 at Triennale Salone d’onore, and on 21 and 22 June at Triennale Agorà. The last dates will be on July 12 and 13 and on September 6 at Triennial Salone d’onore.