Changes in BSH board of management


Effective January 1, 2023, Alexander Dony and Rudolf Klötscher will join the board of management of BSH Hausgeräte GmbH. Dony will be chief sales & marketing officer, in charge of the Greater China and North America regions, marketing including BSH’s brand portfolio, and the consumer products business. Klötscher will be chief sales & service officer, with responsibility for the emerging markets and Europe regions, along with customer service.

Dony and Klötscher succeed chief markets officer Matthias Ginthum, who has decided to retire effective March 31, 2023, after ten years on the board. He will also resign from the board at that time.

«I’m very pleased that with Alexander Dony and Rudolf Klötscher we have found two colleagues within BSH who have extensive experience and qualifications, both in their fields and internationally, to support us evolve BSH further during these demanding times – said Christian Fischer, chairman of the supervisory board of BSH and deputy chairman of the board of management of Robert Bosch -. On behalf of the entire supervisory board, I also want to thank Matthias Ginthum for his years of dedicated work on the board of management and his great achievements in supporting BSH’s success. We wish him all the best for his retirement and everything in the future.»