The big growth in the sales of efficient appliances


“Sustainability starts at home” is one of the most important message that the European home appliance industry has been transmitting to consumers for a long time. AppliA Europe explains that “our home appliances improve lifestyles with innovative and resource-saving functions and promote sustainable growth. In order to further advance sustainable lifestyles, we call on the European regulators to work with us to ensure increased consumer choice to make all lifestyles sustainable, and turn the energy efficiency potential of our appliances into real energy savings.” 
Once this message has been understood by people, they started to appreciate more and more the advantages of the new appliances and they efficiency, learning the importance of save energy and the other resources. And data show it very well. Looking at washing machines sold during the decade from 2008 to 2018, models in A+++ energy class passes from a share of 1% to almost 83%.
The same trend characterised the sales of dishwashers: in 2008 A+++ models were less than 2% of the total sold machines, while in 2018 the segment sales reached a share of 67.5%. A very good results that award the manufacturers’ commitment in finding new sustainable solutions, useful for the environment and for consumers economy.