Ceced underlines the value of home appliances sector


household-appliances[1]European funds must link to real industrial sectors, that are able to create wealth and support sustainable economic growth in the Continent. This is the message expressed by Ceced after the European Commission announced details of its 300 billion euro investment funds.
“Europe –  Paolo Falcioni, Ceced Director General explains – needs to focus efforts on delivering the conditions that foster sustainable economic growth for the real economy. The household appliance industry can help. It has a successful track record of bringing to the market ever more resource-efficient household appliances. Industry needs better regulation now to improve the business climate. Better regulation would maintain the focus on both consumers and the environment while maintaining industry’s global leadership”.
As published few days ago by GfK Temax Western Europe, the value of the home appliances market finally recorded a good growth in the third quarter of 2014, with an increase of 9.8%, up to 3.2 billion euro, for small domestic appliances (the highest growth of all the technical consumer goods segments), and an increase of  5.4%, for the major domestic appliances, that reached a sales value of 8.2 billion euro. All countries, except for Belgium, contributed to that result, and all product groups recorded positive growth.