PANASONIC brings solidarity in electricity-less areas



The project to improve elementary education and alleviate poverty by providing electricity to Banjarsari Village, Pangalengan Sub-District, Bandung District, West Jawa Province, for which the stand-alone power supply container developed by Panasonic will act as a power source, has been selected by the Embassy of Japan in Indonesia as a joint public/private sector project utilizing grant assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects.
The Power Supply Containers are stand-alone photovoltaice power packages developed for the many electricity-less areas in developing countries. They contain solar cells, lead storage batteries and also the newly developed Power Supply Control Unit that acts as the energy management system.
Panasonic will deliver a Power Supply Container to the National Elementary School Malabar 04, creating a better institutional and educational environment through providing power for school electrical equipment like lights and pumps as well as educational tools like computers, projectors, televisions and so on. Work is ongoing towards introduction of the containers in July 2015.
The Power Supply Container will in the future be supplied to other Asian countries and emerging nations to bring electricity to every corner of the globe.