Pareo, the innovative hood by Faber, inspired by the Japanese furoshiki technique, is one of the appliances protagonists at “Cucine & Ultracorpi”, the special event organized for the eight edition of the Triennale Design Museum. In this famous location, until 21 February 2016 is possible to visit a special exhibition, created in occasion of Expo 2015, where are exposed tools, appliances and object that have made the kitchen and the cooking operations more and more easy and “automatic” during the last decades evolution.
The Pareo hood has been designed by the designer Samuel Codegoni, with the research & development team of Faber, using the Furoshiki technique. This is a sophisticated Japanese art, used to wrap objects with fabrics and silk in order to conceal, protect, and at the same time enhance what is packaged. With this model, the designer has transformed a stainless steel sheet, as a metallic fabric, in a telescopic hood that, thanks to Up & Down technology by Faber, gently approaches the hob.