KARTELL: Luti Ambassador of Expo 2015



Claudio Luti, president of Kartell and one of the Ambassadors of Expo 2015
Claudio Luti, president of Kartell and one of the Ambassadors of Expo 2015

Claudio  Luti,  president  of  Kartell, global leader in the production of plastic design furniture and objects, is Ambassador  of  Expo  Milano 2015 and is ready to bring several original ideas for the event. «Expo Milano 2015 – he declared – is an opportunity we must not lose to relaunch our country. The central theme “To feed the Planet, Energy for Life” is a very interesting subject to work on. We also think to the concept of feeding the Planet’s mind, creating culture and developing the sense of beauty and well done with the creative energy that is typical of our country».
Kartell  is also a perfect testimonial of Made-in-Italy and Italian Lifestyle.