alberoSymbola foundation, Fondazione Edison and Unioncamere, in collaboration with FederlegnoArredo, have realized the truth 10 focus on competitiveness Italian that, as created to promote the Italian industry of Wood Furniture (one of the leading sectors of the economy and of national exports) , actually it gives a glimpse of Italian precise (often denigrated).
As the country is going through a long period of difficulty, perhaps the most difficult in its history, remains among the five countries in the world to have a trade surplus with foreign manufacturing more than 100 billion dollars (131 to be exact billion euro in 2013). Italy, from 2008 to 2013, has increased the turnover of export manufacturing by 16.5%, surpassing Germany (+ 11.6%) and France (+ 5.9%): our Italian production system is driving “conversion green” European employment (the Eurobarometer estimates that by the end of 2014 51% of Italian SMEs will have at least a green job, greatly shortening the gap with Germany and France taken together).
This interesting economic study revealed some surprising elements: the share of world exports of manufactured goods Italian is equal to 72.6% of its holding in 1999. If Germany recorded 93.9%, the other behind it: the US ( 70.2%), France (59.8%), Japan (57.3%) and the UK (53.4%).
In environmental subject our production model places us among the top countries of the European Union eco-efficient in terms of CO2 (ahead of Germany and the United Kingdom) and waste (in front of Germany, UK and France). Not to forget that we are European champions industrial recycling, again ahead of Germany. Finally, the icing on the cake, our production system driving the “green conversion” European employment.
Our nemesis is the GDP, since the crisis the domestic Italian manufacturing turnover fell by 15.9%; in contrast, foreign sales Italian manufacturing grew by 16.5%, much better than the German (+ 11.6%) and France (+ 5.9%).
Then there is the “industry of culture”, involving 443,458 companies (7.3% of the national total): some 80 billion euros, 5.7% of the wealth produced. Also according to this interesting study, “the chain of culture” goes to 214 billion (15.3% of national value added) if we look at that portion of the national economy growing 1.7 Euro for each Euro produced by culture.
Now, starting from this scenario, perhaps the time has come for us to leave by pessimism (although very “rows” against …) and undoubtedly face this semester EXPO with the best optimistic approach of new opportunities for our country … Because it is already a success!