Home Appliance 2025 goes on…


HA2025On 14th April 2015, the Home Appliance 2025 vision and call for action was launched by several CEO leaders of Europe’s Home appliance industry. They established four areas to focus on for the recovery of the industry and the promotion of a sustainability lifestyle through the use of efficient appliances. The actions were addressed to: achieving smart and better regulation; advancing sustainable lifestyles, making the connected home a reality, and; accelerating Europe’s economic growth.
«We have achieved a great deal in this first year – says Paolo Falcioni, Ceced Director‐General – However, we are still in the early stages of our vision and call to action. Our industry has the means to make a positive contribution to the future lives of Europeans fostering sustainable lifestyles and delivering sustainable growth and jobs. We urge Europe’s policy makers to continue to create the conditions within Europe’s Single Market that will encourage our sector to thrive.»
In its first year, through Home Appliance 2025 industry has made its case on:

  • reforming the European Union’s Energy Label, ensuring that it continues to successfully
  • enable consumers to make informed choices when purchasing appliances;
  • having Ecodesign measures that are relevant and measurable;
  • the need for a market‐based approach to promote further industry innovation and advance sustainable lifestyles, particularly within the future circular economy;
  • the Connected Home, not least through the launch of #SustainabilityStartsAtHome and Ceced’s practical example of a connected home during the COP21 Sustainable Innovatio Forum.
  • the importance of having enhanced pan‐European market surveillance activities for products across Europe and actual product testing.