The prize ceremony of the “Amato Lamberti” Social Responsibility Awards, which focus on the themes of legality and civic commitment and publicly acclaim the best social responsibility initiatives as a model for active citizenship, was held at the Nisida European Studies Center in Naples. The Awards are organized by Associazione Jonathan Onlus and Gruppo di Imprese Sociali Gesco with support from Whirlpool Corporation that to the 3rd year contributed to the Awards by setting up the Whirlpool Corporation Prize, which went to ActionAid Italia for its outstanding efforts at national and international level for projects of social inclusion and in fighting food wastage worldwide. «Whirlpool Corporation has always been an active promoter of a model for social commitment and sustainable development in all the regions it operates in. A company cannot, must not pursue profit as its sole aim. On the contrary, it is also called upon to perform the social function of improving the living conditions of people in local communities – commented Alessandro Magnoni, Senior Director Communication and Government Relations, Whirlpool EMEA. – Our collaboration with Associazione Jonathan Onlus is a good example of how alternative ways of doing business are not only possible but can also produce value added over time.»