Ceced expresses satisfaction for the EU Energy Package


 Finally, the ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’ Package has been released by the European Commission. ecodesignThe new version includes a series of legislative proposals, revisions and supporting texts on energy efficiency, product policy and market design. Ceced welcomes the recognition of the role that energy efficiency first shall play in any future EU energy policy and expresses satisfaction for the 30% binding energy efficiency target, defined as an encouraging sign by Paolo Falcioni, Ceced Director-General and Chairman of the Coalition for Energy Savings, who adds: «It gives our sector the certainty that it needs to keep investing in innovative energy efficient but also smart technologies that will benefit all EU consumers.»
Another fundamental satisfaction aspect of the package content is the proactive participation of energy consumers that, as underlined by the Commission, will play a critical role in managing the supply and demand for energy and the growing penetration of renewable energy sources. Ceced expects that Smart appliances are the solution to making EU households active players in this newly-designed EU energy market.
«We are happy to see – commented Paolo Falcioni – that the Commission is considering consumers at the core of its energy policy and proposes a fair deal for them. It is in the interest of all that they get empowered and rewarded for the solutions they can offer».
The new Ecodesign Working Plan for 2016-2019 has been included too in the document. About it Ceced stresses the importance of maintaining the policy’s measurability, enforceability, simplicity and relevance. The policy’s approach must continue to assist the home appliance industry in delivering its contribution to sustainable growth and wealth creation, jobs and energy climate targets.