Fulgor took part at the CSIL seminar



In occasion of the 34th edition of CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies seminar on the national and international Furniture Industry, Fulgor Milano, Italian brand of Meneghetti, underlined the substantial investment of the past 12 years to operate a radical transformation of the production processes and a research for technological solutions aimed to obtain a final product in line with current trends. Fulgor Milano is an historical Italian company of home appliances for the kitchen that manufactures  products characterized by powerful technology and timeless aesthetics.To obtain a higher functions control, aimed to the energy saving, Fulgor Milano has designed a new range of ovens equipped with an operating system able to combining a modern cooking technology with the ease of use: the CreaCtive line. It is a range equipped with an intuitive display, very similar to the smartphone’s one, that enables direct communication between the consumer and the oven for the selection of recipes and functions.