iRobot has introduced some updates to the iRobot Home App in order to improve the role of connected Roomba vacuuming robots within the smart home. New Clean Map reports provide visual post-cleaning maps that display information about the robot’s cleaning performance, such as the dirtiest floor areas and total space cleaned, while the integration of Amazon Alexa voice activated control will make communicating with a Roomba vacuuming robot a breeze. Combining adaptive navigation with visual localization, iRobot Roomba 900 Series vacuuming robots build a map of a home as they clean. Clean Map reports make these maps visible to customers in the iRobot Home App after a cleaning job is complete.

«iRobot is aggressively pursuing opportunities within the connected home to improve our customers’ experience with our cleaning robots – explains Colin Angle, chairman and CEO of the American company. – The latest updates for the iRobot HOME App make cleaning with an iRobot Roomba vacuuming robot even more user friendly, with voice-activated commands, enhanced mapping features and useful post-cleaning reports. These are exciting next steps towards our vision of an ecosystem of home robots that work collaboratively and further enable the smart home.»