Groupe Seb: partnership with Burson-Marsteller


Groupe Seb announces the starting of a new communication path, signing a strategic partnership with Burson-Marsteller for the development of activities and value-communication projects for Rowenta and Moulinex brands during 2017. The message closed in the Group philosophy will be transferred in its communication initiatives, that will explain the company desire to progress and the passion for innovation combined with professionalism, quality and respect for people. Values that Groupe Seb wants to translate into technologically advanced products that meet local needs and peculiarities. This is an important year for Rowenta and Moulinex that have the challenge of continuing to grow, consolidate their image of brands closer to people and to transform products into cult objects. In this path, Burson-Marsteller will have the key role of strategic partner, supporting the achievement of business objectives that the company has set for 2017 and expand the target audience of their consumers.