Big growth of major appliances in Turkey


Turkish market of Technical Consumer Goods is growing fast. According to GfK Temax, in the first quarter of 2017, the sector reported an increase of 8.3% compared to the same period of the previous year. A very strong contribution was made by Major Domestic Appliances (MDA) that were protagonist of a sales growth of 31.3%. All product groups performed double digit growth and bottom freezer coolers, +9 kg loading capacity washing machines and built-in cookers were the strongest contributors to the overall positive trend. The main reason of this category success was the cancellation of the special consumption taxes. Small Domestic Appliances, instead, closed the first three months of the year with a sell-out value increase of 2.8% thanks, above all, to hot beverage makers (especially Turkish coffee makers), hair dryers, cyclonic vacuum cleaners and ironing systems. On the contrary, deep fryers, small appliances for food preparation, shavers and juicers/presses were the declining product groups. Kettles also recorded a double digit negative growth due to the shift into tea makers.
Consumer Electronics was driven by bluetooth speakers and PTV UHD Smart products that helped the sector to report a total growth of 10.9% in Q1. Among the products with negative trends, we can mention car navigations, DVD player/recorder, headphones and audio home systems. Telecommunication, finally, growth by 3.3%, while Photography and Information Technology closed the first trimester with a value decrease respectively by 4.6% and 7%.