Whirlpool microwave ovens are compliant with the new standards


Whirlpool Corporation has announced three microwaves that meet the newly published Sustainability Standard for Household Microwave Oven Appliances from the Association of Home Appliances Manufacturers (AHAM). With the latest certification consumers will be able to find Whirlpool microwave ovens – along with refrigeration and cooking appliances – that meet the AHAM Sustainability Standards.This standard, developed collaboratively by AHAM, UL Environment (ULE), and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA), requires microwaves meet lifecycle-based environmental performance criteria across five categories: materials, energy consumption during use, manufacturing and operations, product performance, and end-of-life.
«We are proud to add these appliances to the portfolio of Whirlpool Corporation products already certified by the AHAM Sustainability Standards – said Ron Voglewede, Whirlpool Corporation Global Sustainability Director. – This certification demonstrates Whirlpool Corporation’s continued commitment to sustainability in our development of new, innovative appliances.»