Area30 – Cuciniale brings the intelligent cooktop<


It is easy to say smart today. But how intelligent is an appliance? Cuciniale is going to present very smart kind of kitchen appliances at the next edition of area30 Fair in Löhne, Germany.
The company will display a complete line-up of intelligent cooktops comprising of built-in and counter-top variants. What is the difference compared with other smart cookers?
«In the app – explains Philipp Ochtendung, development director of Cuciniale – we have combined the knowledge of premier chefs in Europe with artificial intelligence. With the Gourmetsensor, the heat and cooking time is adapted to whatever it is you’re cooking. The sensor accounts for weight, composition of protein, fat and water. Based on this procedure, we can guarantee success to our users». Recipes often give imprecise information on temperature and cooking times, so it could happen that sometimes some dishes do not work out as anticipated. But Cuciniale promises to solve this problem, thanks to GourmetPilot app and its GourmetSensor, both connected via Bluetooth allowing users to cook from their smartphone or tablet. Beginners also find guidance by more than 80 step-by recipes. The complete range of hobs comprising of built-in hobs with up to six cooking zones and a portable one will be available from October 2017.