GfK unveils the new tech trends


Smart Home, Wearable Devices and Augmented Reality go on being the drivers of the technical consumer goods. There is no doubt about this.

According to the volume 2 of GfK Tech Trends these are the most growing and promising sectors. The European market of smart home appliances recorded an increase by 30% in sales volume and a growth of 51% in the turnover during the first three months of this year compared to the same period of 2016.

Total number of brands also increased by more than 30% in the first quarter 2017 compared to the last quarter 2016. January, February and March were very important months also for wearable devices trend, that saw an increase by 29% compared to Q1 2016. Great Britain was the largest market in Europe, but Asia also was very dynamic with 10.3 million units of wearable sold in the same period. Health & fitness trackers are still the most popular segment of this sector both in Europe and in Asia. The second category are locators in Asia and smartwatches in Europe.
Virtual and Augmented Reality, finally, are also very brilliant: in Europe 76 million euro was generated by VR head-mounts while 219 million by head-mounted display.

GfK underlines that consumers are excited about this trend.