Valcucine and Eataly together again in Los Angeles


Valcucine has recently renewed the partnership with Eataly by signing the project for the “School” of the new Los Angeles store. This is the first opened on the west coast of the United States and is located between Beverly Hills and the west of Los Angeles. It extends over three stores amounting to almost 6,000 square metres of theme-based restaurants, street food sellers and the market, which offers over 10,000 top-quality products.
In addition, cooking classes, workshops and food sampling sessions – designed to give participants a close-up view of the excellence of Italian products – are held in the classroom, supervised by Lidia Bastianich, an American celebrity chef who stands for the culture of Italian cuisine in the U.S.A. Valcucine underlined the mutual values, the conscious approach towards consumers and the intention to promote the quality of Italian products are shared with Eataly and are the basis of the partnership.
The layout designed by Valcucine for the Eataly School is a Genius Loci arrangement, a kitchen based on the all-Italian tradition, putting together different materials such as wood, stone and glass to create a warm and cosy setting.