Candy Watch&Touch won the Red Dot Award 2018


Candy Watch&Touch, the intelligent oven created by the Italian company to communicate with users and manage each step of food preparation, has won the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2018.
This recognition is given to the best designers and producers all over the world. It has been assigned to many important brands, such as Apple, BMW, Google, Bose and the Italian Pininfarina.
Selected by a jury of about 40 members of the over 6,300 products presented by companies in 59 countries, Candy Watch& Touch is a premium product with an iconic design, characterized by a 19’ interactive touch screen, absence of knobs, ease of use and tailor made solutions. The integrated camera and the patented U-see lighting allow an optimal view inside the cavity, allowing a constant monitoring without opening the door. Moreover, thanks to the Candy Simply-Fi app, it is also possible – with an easy, immediate and engaging interaction – to manage every function of the oven through the user smartphone or tablet, including the ability to control and supervise the cooking status in each step and to take advantage of the exclusive features of Watch&Touch remotely.
«Winning the Red Dot Award is a source of great pride and satisfaction for us, but above all a demonstration to the goodness of the management we undertook several years ago when we first launched a complete range of connected appliances» – said Beppe Fumagalli, CEO of Candy Group.