Significant growth for Elica brand


Elica group reported a good performance for the starting of the present year and a very good trend has been recorded by the products signed by the Elica brand itself, even if it was a good period also for the OEM production.
During the first quarter 2018, Elica recorded a consolidated revenue of 118.9 million of euro, up 0.3% compared with same period of the previous year but with a growth of 6% net with a currency and the changing to the consolidation scope, with the sale of the German subsidiary Exklusiv-Hauben Gutmann on August 2017. According to the company, there was a growth across all business areas, but it was particularly strong for Elica own brand sales, that increased by 6.3%, net of the currency effect. The brand contribution to the total sales revenue rose from 45.4 to 46.5% in the first quarter of this year, in line with the Group target to exceed 55%. Regarding the geographical area, Elica saw a big growth in the Asian markets, where the Group reached an increase of 11.5% (21.3% net of the currency effect). In the EMEA regions, the growth was of 5.3%, with a significant contribution especially by Russia and the Eastern countries, while the rest of the markets remained substantially stable.