CEO of technology companies have good expectations


The PwC’s 21st CEO survey interviewed technology managers, trying to understand the future trend of the sector through their opinions and strategies.
According with the survey results, technology CEOs are concerned about cyber attacks and the supply of digital talent. The most of respondents (91%) expect global economic growth to improve or stay the same in 2018, similar to last year. The same optimism characterized their own companies’ prospects, where 87% were somewhat or very confident of revenue growth in 2018, and 93% over the next three years.
As PwC reveals, most of them (82%) are focusing on organic growth, while only half are looking to alliances, acquisition, or cost reduction. Only 11% expect to sell a business or exit a market.
Among the most important changing involving this sector, regulation could have an important impact. “Technology companies – they say from PwC – are facing calls for greater regulation. Governments are especially concerned about the largest companies, whose popular platforms, they say, are diminishing competition, undermining privacy, and weakening social ties. In the survey, conducted in the fall of 2017, only 36% of tech leaders were extremely concerned about over-regulation. That number would surely be higher now in 2018.
Thanks to their strong results, technology firms may seem well positioned to meet these concerns while protecting their businesses.»