Groupe SEB grows in Asian and Europe but not in America


Groupe SEB published the provisional results for 2018, during which it recorded an annual sales value of 6.81 million euro, a growing of 1.5% and 7.8% like for like (LFL).
In the consumer sectors the increase was of 7.2%, while in professional ones it was equal to + 14.3% (LFL). During the last quarter of the year, Groupe SEB totalized 2,184 million euro, +7.8% and +8.4% LFL. «Despite a macroeconomic environment that grew more difficult month by month – commented  Thierry de La Tour d’Artaise, Chairman and CEO of the company – organic growth continued at a strong pace and, for the fourth consecutive year, ended above 6%. This demonstrates the favorable trends in business in most of our markets, and reflects our diverse offer and the strength in our brand portfolio.»
The most relevant growing was recorded in Asia, where the company revenue reached 2,067 million euro, marking a +14.5% growth compared with previous year. China was the driver market, with an increase of 20. 9%. SEB revenue in Western Europe, instead, recorded a small growth of +0.2%, while the trend was stronger in the other European country, where the value increased by 6.4%. The Groupe revenue was negative, instead, both in North and South America, with a fall of respectively -5.5% and -7.4%.