More than Made in Italy, Made in Northeast: in this way, Cosma defines the added-value that characterizes its work modality, based on a strict collaboration with customers, respecting everybody’s activity, starting from local suppliers, in conformity with the most severe regulations and focusing on innovation. “All these aspects have made, and still make, the Italian industry great and are perceived by our foreign customers as undisputed reliability benefits”.

The opportunities offered by Industry 4.0 are seized to the ends of the communication with customers, too: “All the applications of the innovative ambit we can summarize with the “Industry 4.0” label pave the way to new horizons and possible developments of speed and efficiency that were unconceivable in manufacturing until few years ago. Concerning specifically Cosma, we are developing a project regarding the networking of manufacturing data to monitor their trend at any time. Customers themselves ask to follow the development of their products, to be involved proactively in all phases and in the pursuit of the solution of eventual criticalities. In the light of this requirement, it is up to us making data increasingly accessible and usable through technological devices able to communicate and to process significant information in real time”.

Research is accomplished by seizing the opportunities that come from different ambits, from startups to university: “Last years, we had some opportunities of approaching the startup world with interesting results, and likewise the opportunity of collaborating with the academic research ambit, which we involved in specific studies on materials and in particular the application of enamelling processes”. Cosma’s sustainability is concretized in several ways, from the resource use to the process optimization. “Certainly, the circular economy issue strictly involves our activity ambit, too, and well matches the corporate mentality already oriented to constant improvement, in this case linked with the rational resource use we have pursued for a long time now in compliance with the Lean Manufacturing implemented since 2013. Along these years, we have carried out an assessment of processes, to understand how to rationalize production and to check where wastes occur. We have then identified the ambits where introducing the best practices so that the raw material (metals as well as semi-finished products) and the resources used (such as enamel, water and energy) become eco-sustainable and recyclable, to the extent of expressing their utmost value”.
Cosma is sponsor of:
Atelier Appliances Match It (https://www.atelierappliances.it/en/)