Still today, for Elemaster the Italian tradition inherent to the household appliance world represents a highlight for consumers searching for high-end products by design and technological functions. Not only in consumer ambit: “the whole chain of professional appliances concerning the food sector benefits from Italy’s world image linked with good food. The process connected with the raw material processing into a high-quality product must be supported by technologically advanced machines, full expression of Italian creativity and innovation”.

The company deems IoT repercussions in the household appliance ambit have a great value: “Advantages are for both users and manufacturers. The current technology allows shifting from the preventive to the predictive diagnostics and consequently the extension of the household appliance service life and a better after sale service to end users. Besides, through the monitoring of the device function activation, which allows defining use profiles, the manufacturer will be allowed optimizing the design of successive generations, thus avoiding the over-engineering execution on functions scarcely appreciated by customers, so increasing its competitiveness on the market. Finally, smart household appliances pave the way to new scenarios connected with integrated logistics that will provide great benefits to the companies whose business model core is the sale of consumables automatically delivered to final customers thanks to the remote stock-up monitoring.” The company is just working at a project that uses Alexa platform by Amazon: “An application example concerns the experimentation of vocal controls for professional cooking systems and coffee machines; equipping these appliances with voice and hearing means giving more flexibility to end-users, such as chefs and barmen”. Elemaster pays utmost attention to the startup world, according to two very specific paradigms. Placing experience at the service of innovation, because due to its both physical and information structure Elemaster can be a launch pad for startups, acting as resource multipliers, accelerator of time to market and cross fertilizer of competences that derive from Elemaster’s multi-sector experience; finally, the company represents an access door to foreign markets: productive and logistic base in rapidly developing Countries, which represent interesting outlets for the creativity and the technological innovation of the made in Italy. Placing innovation at the service of experience, facilitating the innovation undertaking towards big companies, which already have consolidated products on the market, establishing a relation between them and the startups it gets in touch with. Elemaster’s collaborations range from the University ambit, like Polihub, up to startup incubators such as Comonext. What about the environment? “Today we are required to design not only electronics but complete finished products in compliance with ECO Design. The choice of materials and the definition of the object design determine the reuse potentialities of components. Elemaster has gained great experience in this ambit, designing and assembling, for instance, home automation systems equipped with IOT devices and made of recyclable materials”.
Elemaster is sponsor of
Atelier Appliances Match It(https://www.atelierappliances.it/en/)