Inarca, at customers’ side for more and more sustainable products

Alessandro Rocchi, Sales Director of Inarca.

Market changes have modified several balances in the manufacturing world, too, and today the Made in Italy does not represent a warranty – and a factor that simplifies sales – to the same extent as in the past. “Nevertheless, we have still some trump cards: we rely on outstanding tradition in the component sector and still today we monetize it in terms of competences and renown. Even if it is wrong to trust commonplaces, Italy is historically associated to products with an excellent quality/price ratio.


Moreover, the Italian entrepreneurial fabric is based on small and medium enterprises, which are intrinsically more flexible by both size and cultural model: in many cases, the market awards that. However, today we are living very fast changes and it is not imaginable to live on the heritage of the past”.

Many evolutions have occurred in Inarca’s products, too: they manage the electric power, i.e. they connect energy sources with the device they power: today connections are quantitatively superior in the data transmission. “However, our customers, in appliance or automotive ambit, where connectivity is spreading at all levels, witness the biggest impact of the technological change. Our mission is developing the solution that meets at best customers’ requirements, every time different and increasingly specific. Concerning instead the process, IoT mainly allows its notable improvement: for the interaction of the different phases, for the quality control and the efficiency analysis. Another conquest, anyway, is the process “democratization”: data are immediately available for all, at shared level, and likewise the knowledge of the technologies at disposal in the company”.


Over the last years, the company has undertaken collaborations with Padua University, in particular with a start-up it incubates. “In general, we think it is important to collaborate with educational structures to share in the creation of excellent competences and to construct tomorrow’s market, too. From here to start-ups the step is shorter than what might seem: if the right conditions occurred, we would be pleased to embrace the cause of a hypothetical young entrepreneur proposing highly innovative projects for our sector”.
Due to reasons linked with structural aspects of its activity, Inarca has always worked only with “green” materials. “Copper alloys used in the implementation of terminals are fully recyclable, as well as polyamides used for moulding our connectors (in some cases, polyamide can be even recycled during the process). In time, this has led us to ponder that the environment protection is another form of respect for human beings. Investing in human resources has not only an ethical but also an economic meaning for us: we believe productivity rises hand in hand with the quality of the time spent at work. Besides, we try to act not only in-house but also outside, as links of a chain made of suppliers and customers with which we share the same approach. For this reason, we try to indicate the most correct use of our products to customers, enabling them to produce more and more sustainable devices”.

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