Second Charity Days for Groupe SEB


Groupe SEB organized the second Charity Days to support charities who fight exclusion. This year edition was attended by 130 Groupe SEB France employees. In 2018, Groupe SEB France took up an idea floated by some company managers and employees who wanted to help different teams get to know each other. The aim was to foster a cross functional team spirit through charity work. Now in their second year, the Charity Days look set to become a firm fixture in the Groupe SEB France agenda. GSF and GSR volunteers had the opportunity to spend a full or half day helping a charity which combats exclusion in ten cities across France (sorting clothes, renovating furniture, painting and gardening with the unemployed, handing out food etc.). This year, the scope of the event was widened to make it easier for employees to participate in the vicinity of their workplace: more cities, more charities, more days and more activities.