Smartpone is currently the most important device used to buy on the Internet, generating almost 40% of the total e-commerce revenue on the Italian market.
Driver of this very positive trend are, in particular, Information technology and consumer electronics products, with a total value of over 5 billion euros and a growth of 18%.
«However, according to recent estimates – commented Roberto Liscia, president of Netcomm, the Italian digital commerce consortium – compared to other European countries, Italy has the lowest absolute share of the population that buys online: only 44% of Italians buy on the web, against 68% of the European population. Not only that, Italy also is in the last place in terms of competitiveness. In the e-commerce sector only 10% of Italian companies, in fact, sell on-line, due to their difficulty to apply the available technologies to expand their business».
What is changed is the people approach to e-commerce, as underlined by Alessandro Perego, Scientific Director of Digital Innovation Observatories – School of Management of Milan Polytechnic Univerity: «e-commerce B2C in Italy – he said – is increasingly important. It still represents only 7% of total purchases but is over 60% of retail growth. E-commerce is also increasingly perceived as complementary to the physical channel with traditional operators that enable omni-channel models and the so-called Dot Coms that seek to establish a physical contact channel with customers.»
At a global level China records the highest volumes growth in the e-commerce channel: the experts forecast a on-line sector in this market will increase from 636 billion euros of 2018 to over one trillion in 2023, with a growth of value of 11.3% year on year. In the United States, on the other hand, on-line sales will grow by 7.5% year on year, from 505 billion dollars in 2018 to 735 billion in 2023. In Europe this percentage will be of about 7%.