Appliances industry calls EU for extraordinary measures


During the difficult months of Covid-19 emergency, home appliance industry, as many others, is facing a very critical phase, especially in Europe, where many countries are obliged to stop production after the lockdown.
So, APPLiA Europe with all its members calls the European Commission for extraordinary measures to help the sector cope with the unprecedented situation generated by the outbreak of Covid-19. «The health response to this unprecedented situation is indisputably a priority for us all. – said Peter Götz, APPLiA’s President. – We also have to consider the consequences of this crisis on our sector, although not yet totally identifiable nor quantifiable. To preserve the continuation and the future of the home appliance industry in Europe, key legal requirements need to be alleviated now.» The industry, currently impeded in carrying on its daily operations, is witnessing a remarkable reduction of demand and almost a complete shutdown of activities, be it manufacturing, suppliers, services, logistics, external laboratories, or research in innovation.
The sector also underlines that industry commitment in achieving the EU’s decarbonisation goals is intact. «However – APPLiA states – the extraordinary times we are living today call for extraordinary measures. This way our sector can focus its efforts in taking up this challenge in due time.»
The Association also sent a letter to the President of the European Commission von der Leyen, where a strategic way forward is outlined for the benefit of industry and consumers alike.
«At this moment in time – commented Paolo Falcioni, APPLiA’s Director General – we expect decisive actions from the Commission and all EU decision-makers to help us preserve the workforce and expertise we have in Europe».