Hisense Group gave important help to Slovenia


Hisense Group, owner of Gorenje brand, made a donation of medical protective equipment to the Roje civil protection warehouse. The donation included: 200,000 protective masks, 2,000 sets of protective clothing and goggles for healthcare professionals, 2,000 pieces of surgical protective clothing and 500 respirators. Hisense also donated a medical ventilator (artificial lung machine) and assisted in the purchase of an additional 46 medical ventilators for the country. Upon receiving the Hisense donation of protective and medical equipment, Minister of Economic Development and Technology Zdravko Počivalšek said: «We are grateful to all the donors who have already and will help with the supply of protective equipment. There are many of them and I am glad that they are. Among them is also the Hisense Group. These are acts that enable our healthcare to fulfill its mission even in these critical times.»
Due to the large logistics problems encountered in collecting and transporting donations of protective equipment, Hisense Group also helped Slovenia by providing a warehouse in Qindgao, where it is headquartered, where the company employees are collecting all donations from China to Slovenia and shipping them to the airport. «We strive to help in the best way we can in all local environments where we operate – said Hisense Europe Group President Alex Zhu – through donations of much-needed equipment, as well as by sharing proven good practices we have prepared based on the experience with the coronavirus outbreak in China, to prevent the spreading of coronavirus and to protect the health of the employees.»