Bertacco new Senior Brand Manager for Haier EMEA and Russia

Michele Bertacco

Michele Bertacco has been appointed Haier Senior Brand Manager for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia. Born in 1976, the manager has a long experience in marketing, communication and branding, as well as the development and launch of innovative projects and products. He has worked in different managerial roles in innovative and technological companies and startups.
After graduating at the Catholic University of Milan, he obtained the Master’s degree in Corporate Communication at Burson Marsteller and followed some studies in Statistics at SDA Bocconi, Bertacco started his career in SEC, among the top 50 agencies of Public Relations in the world, following both product and digital communication projects for international Groups. He joined Esprinet in 2005, one of the top 10 technology distributors in the world, in the position of Director of Marketing and Investor Relations for several years, taking care, among other things, as Sales and Marketing Director, of the relaunch of the Nilox brand.
Bertacco joined the Haier Group in 2020 with the aim to develop the presence and awareness of the Haier brand in all business sectors and within the points of contact with the consumer, developing a strategy that starts from the visual language up to the execution of the go-to-market strategy, activating all on-line and off-line marketing tools.
Michele Bertacco will coordinate the activities in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Russia.
«I thank Haier for the opportunity – he said – and I am at the service of this ambitious Group with enthusiasm. I join a team of talents, aware of the fact that the premiumness that the Brand pursues is already guaranteed by the superior quality of its products and a clear vision of the future».