Gifam has published its guide to explain the new energy labels to consumers


On the occasion of the upcoming arrival of the new energy label on Cooling and Washing appliances, Gifam, the French Association of household appliances manufacturer, presented its new guide “Electroménager : zoom sur la nouvelle étiquette” (“Household appliances: zoom on the new label). It is accessible free on-line on the Gifam website, offering tips and advice to help consumers understand these changes and, ultimately, make an informed choice when purchasing.
«The energy label is an essential tool that allows consumers to compare products with each other –  said Camille Beurdeley, General Delegate of Gifam. – We assist this year to the arrival of the third label generation. This evolution is necessary to improve readability and the level of information addressed to consumers, adapting to the innovations and progress made by manufacturers – the latter offering ever more efficient. This change, which leads in particular to a revision of
the energy classification scale, requires support. This iswhy, Gifam is pleased to publish this guide, practical and useful for consumers.»
The energy label is evolving for Cooling appliances (refrigerators, freezers and wine cabinets) and Washing pnes (washing machine, washer-dryer and dishwasher). Its revision involves many changes – both on the classification scale and on the information presented.
The classification scale energy – now between A +++ and D – evolves and returns to a scale from A to G, in order to better accentuate the differentiation between devices, while reducing the energy consumption associated with each of these new classes. Moreover, consumers will be able to scan a QR Code to access the EPREL database, which lists all product information falling under the energy label regulations.