Whirlpool: solidarity initiative in Turkey


Whirlpool Corporation donated a total of 500 home appliances between washing machines and refrigerators, to support more than 250 families affected by the recent earthquakes.
We were shocked to see the disastrous impact of the earthquakes in Turkey – said Ilyas Kil, Manisa Site Leader, Whirlpool EMEA -. We wanted to play our part in continuing supporting the community where we work and live by restoring a comfortable, secure and healthy life at home for those affected.»
In order to support the families affected by the catastrophe and help them with their new housing, Whirlpool has partnered with the Municipality of Izmir, to distribute and install washing machines and refrigerators directly into new people’s houses.
«With the devastating effect of the earthquake in our city – Tunç Soyer, Mayor of Izmir said: all our citizens were shaken with sadness. As in every disaster, the culture of solidarity formed in our country in this earthquake and the heartfelt messages about Izmir by our precious friends from Whirlpool, have been a great morale for us.»