Anfel and Fabe joint in APPLiA España


Anfel, Asociación Nacional Fabricantes e Importadores Electrodomésticos and Fape, the Asociación Española Fabricantes Pequeños Electrodomésticos are now united in in the new APPLiA España.

«As a result of this merger – commented Fernando Gil, APPLiA España’s elected president and ceo of Bsh España, we are committed to continue fostering the industry’s needs at all levels, in a concerted effort to contribute to a more sustainable and competitive European Union.»

Alberto Centelles is APPLiA España’s vice-president and CEO of Jocca. «Bringing together the wealth of experience and know-how of the two Associations into a single entity – he explained -marks another important step to continue driving a successful industry, in the most effective way,” added.

«After years of fruitful cooperation, we are happy to see the APPLiA network growing» -commented Paolo Falcioni, APPLiA Director General. Along with other 13 of the 27 National Associations, APPLiA España is the latest one to rebrand APPLiA.