ELECTROLUX technical sponsor of A.R.T.



Electrolux is technical sponsor of “A.R.T. Advanced Refrigeration Technology”, an exhibition journey, conceived as a bridge between Expo 2015 and the Biennale in Venice. The project involves 36 artists, of which 8 Contemporary Art masters and 12 young artists that, following the main theme “Feeding and Saving”, made a re-interpretation of the refrigerator, icon symbolizing food saving and sharing. The exhibition has started in Venice at Sant’Andrea della Zirada, but has different locations. The project is developed by Banca Sistema, in cooperation with Lops Ritratti d’Arredo and Meson’s, important names respectively in furniture and kitchen sectors. In Milan, the exhibition at Banca Sistema will be open until October 28. For further information:  www.electrolux.it e facebook/electroluxitalia.