Two new refrigerators series for Panasonic



Panasonic has extended its refrigerators range with new products in A +++ class. The new BN34E (2 meters) and BN31E (1.85 meters) series are characterized by reliability, precision and, according and ensure healthy lifestyle. This is because, the new range of combined refrigerators is equipped with a BreatheTech membrane, made with a traditional Washi sheet, which automatically adjusts the level of humidity to the ideal value of 85-90%, for an ideal preservation of food, even the most delicate one. The Panasonic VitaminLED technology, with green, blue and white Led lights, simulating the rays of sunlight, favor the conservation of the vitamins, contained in fruits and vegetables, through the activation of their natural defenses. At the same time, the HygieneAir filter removes 99.99% of bacteria and ensures a hygienic environment and suitable for the storage of food.