Liebherr studies innovation for smart refrigerant appliances


For just over a year, a global team from Liebherr-Hausgeräte has been working on digital future topics at the Ulm Science Park. Themes such as Internet of Things, cloud solutions and data science to mobile apps were at the center of the studies. «Local universities and colleges important role competent partners for visionary collaborations, such as the partnership with the Transfer Center for Digitalization, Analytics & Data Science Ulm (DASU)» – Liebherr explaines.

In a first joint project, students from the Technical University of Ulm are working with Liebherr to research how smart refrigeration appliances can be made even smarter. This is a project from the fields of AI and machine learning. Using image recognition processes, refrigerators are to recognize which foods are running low, taking into account the individual eating habits of their users. While the research team is currently developing the basic process, the next phases will involve the development of corresponding app functions and user experience.

Liebherr supports DASU financially and, among other things, acts as an advisor and co-designer of topics relevant to the future. At the same time, the company benefits from access to expertise in specific areas such as security and data protection. «Through contacts with our partners, we see a great opportunity to get fresh input from the university and research environment as well as from other industries in the region. In addition, we also hope to gain access to new talent that will work for us in the long term by collaborating with DASU» – reports Heinz Klemm, Head of Global eDevelopment at Liebherr-Hausgeräte.