EuCER Council underlines the importance of appliances during the quarantine


EuCER Council, the European Federation representing the Retail of Consumer Electronics and Household Appliances, expressed its position about the necessity that consumer electronics products continue to be supply people also during the quarantine. These products are absolutely necessary for smart working and e-learning.
“Not only the sale of new devices (more and more needed for smart working and e-learning) – the Federation underlines – but also the servicing of existing products connected to the food chain (refrigeration and cooking) must be guaranteed. In many European Countries a discussion is still in progress about the inclusion of Consumer Electronic Shops in the list of the primary services exempted from the lockdown. With utmost respect for all health and safety regulations for both the employees and consumers EuCER Council highlights that the sale and services of such products should not be stopped by national Legislations. The EuCER Council position on such a matter is that it should be left to the Companies how to plan and schedule partial opening times e.g. from 10 am till 15 pm, thus avoiding full presence of staff. As to ensure the supply chain, the function of click & collect (eventually also with payment in the point of sale) should also be permitted in designated stores, which will fully respect the measures of physical distance a.o. European Retailers of Consumer Electronic Products have structures, organizations and staff capable to face all the requests from Consumers and intend to grant the continuity of the service; this also when – due to the heavy reduction of turnovers – such a continuity shows more costs than profits to the cash flow of the enterprises. In this light, also stores which would open should be entitled to the support incentives by National Government as they provide an essential service.”