Lg launched a smartphone for differently-abled users


lgIn India, LG marketing team has attempted to set a new standard with the launch of its K7 smartphone specifically targeting visually impaired users. Features and applications have been pre-loaded so they can be used right out of the box by visually challenged users. Apps such as @Voice, Cozy Magnifier & Microsope, Kota Daisy Reader, GPS Essential, PocketBook and eReader Prestigion are available from the LG K7 home screen. Seven e-books are included for free on the K7 to be read out loud by the compatible application and features included in the phone’s Android operation system have been preset for easy navigation and operation, such as Talk Back, Screen Reading and Text-to-Speech set to English and Hindi by default. «We are extremely proud to make this K7 smartphone more relevant and available for differently-abled users – said Kim Ki-Wan, president of Lg India. “The technology exists to make lives much more convenient for visually challenged individuals and yet the barrier to entry has always been high. We hope we can help lower that wall in a small way with this customized K7 from Lg.»