Whirlpool’s appliance sale to benefit United Way in Tennessee


Whirlpool organized an appliance sale to help local families in need living in the community surrounding the plant of Cleveland, Tennessee, which manufactures cooking appliances for Whirlpool Corporation’s North American Region.

«With the challenges of Covid, which includes internal safety measures, protocols and other restrictions, it’s been nearly impossible to hold the sale that plant families look forward to and sometimes desperately need – explained Brandi King, the Plant Communicator. The money raised from the employee sale goes completely to support the United Way of the Ocoee Region, and the people who work and reside in the plant community.»

A group leader in the Cleveland Operations Factory Distribution Center (FDC), Jackee Thompson, was able to find the resources for Cleveland to receive nearly 300 obsolete appliances. Working with all of the operation’s functions, including Safety, Maintenance, Facilities, FDC and Logistics, the team was able to coordinate an outdoor onsite event that safely accommodated employees and community members to take advantage of these deeply discounted products.

«Our history with our local Whirlpool plant depicts a strong community partner that creates opportunities for their employees to give as well as receive – said Kayla Shugart, United Way of the Ocoee Region Director of Development – All Whirlpool employees have the option to participate in the annual United Way campaign through payroll deductions, onetime gifts and this appliance sale. They also have access to our direct and partner services if they happen to fall upon hard times.»