New sustainability goal achieved by Elica


Elica, Italian producer of kitchen hoods and electric motors for household appliances and heating boilers, is taking yet another step towards renewable energy and more sustainable production. After announcing last January the attainment of a suitability certification for hydrogen operation of motors manufactured in its subsidiary company EMC FIME, Elica has been continuing in its path towards environmental impact reduction, thanks to a new electrical energy supply agreement stipulated with Iberdrola, one of the world leaders in renewable energy.

For 2022 this choice will allow the company to reduce its own emissions by over 4,000 tons in Italy, which equals to 20% of the total emissions of the Group. Elica Group generates a turnover of over 500 million euros, with a production platform spread out over seven sites including, Italy, Poland, Mexico and China, employing over 3,200 employees. In Italy, where most of its high-end products are manufactured, the company uses about 50.4% of the energy consumed by the whole Group.

«Elica – the CEO Giulio Cocci said – is by nature a sustainable company: we have always followed a strategy that adopts ESG principles, which, over the years, has brought us to identify areas in need of improvement and put real actions into place, geared towards reducing our environmental impact. The agreement with Iberdrola comes into play in this specific scenario: we have already started the process in our Italian production sites, therefore we will significantly reduce emissions in our country.»