Groupe SEB invests 5 million euro in the Krampouz site


Groupe SEB will enlarge the production area of the French Krampouz site in Pluguffan. This expansion reflects the Group’s commitment to maintaining and promoting industrial know-how in France. Awarded the prestigious French Living Heritage Company label, to distinguish excellent artisanal and industrial know-how, all Krampouz appliances are designed and made right here in Pluguffan, Finistère.

Groupe SEB will invest more than 5 million euro to support the brand’s growth in the French and international markets, most of it earmarked for the plant’s extension. Krampouz is firmly anchored in its region and is committed to French craftsmanship and manufacturing.

«Revenue – the company explains – was up 32% year-on-year, buoyed by robust growth in the domestic and export markets, making it imperative to expand the site in Brittany. The investment aims to increase the plant’s production capacity for all Krampouz cooking appliances, for both the professional and home markets. The expanded area will not only create room for new machines and an updated industrial tool, but also allows to grow the research and testing lab. A key component of the project, the site will also be home to new facilities designed with the wellbeing of staff in mind. The current site area will increase by almost 50% to 10,000 sq m».