The 2021 Electrical Product Safety Conference on November 24-25


The 2021 edition of the Electrical Product Safety Conference will be held on November 24-25 (9am-12pm) and will be free to attend. The event, which is organised by UK charity Electrical Safety First (ESF), will be focused on ‘The Connected Consumer.’ continuing last year’s topics. It is possible to register here.

Amdea will be supporting ESF in creating the conference agenda and will also be participating in the event. It encourages its members to get involved. «Now in its thirteenth year – Amdea said – the Electrical Product Safety Conference brings together experts and leaders from across the industry to explore critical issues, solutions and insights on the subject of safer electrical products – from conception, manufacture and production to sale».

ESF is addressed to designers, retailers, manufacturers, product testing houses, regulators, trading standards, government bodies and safety experts. The conference will feature online interactive discussion, panels, interviews, keynote speakers and sponsored chat rooms for networking. Among the most interesting subjects that will be at the center of the event discussion, we can find: sustainability readiness and the conflict between repairability and safety, inclusion in safe design and use, consumer appetite for connected products and behavioural impact, regulators panel.