Positive first half for Franke



The first half of 2016 was very positive for the Franke Group, that generated consolidated net sales of CHF 985.2 million compared to CHF 885.1 million over the same period in the prior year. A double digit growth of 11.3%, obtained with the good contribution of Franke Foodservice Systems and Franke Coffee Systems divisions, in particular, which made above average contributions to the organic sales growth of 19.7% and 31.5% respectively. The largest division in the Group, Franke Kitchen Systems, continued its positive growth trend and generated organic growth of 9.0% during the first six months of this year. Franke Water Systems recorded modest organic growth in the amount of 0.5%, with improved profitability. The Group saw dynamic trends also in some foreign countries. For instance, Franke Kitchen Systems in China recorded record sales in the contract business and also strong growth in the US retail business. Franke Foodservice Systems was able to present a very good first half for 2016 in the regions of Europe and the Americas. The Swiss market continues to be as challenging as before. The Franke Group continues to be subject to strong downward pressure on prices and margins there.