Aran Cucine among the 2018 Superbrands


An important recognition has been assigned to Aran Cucine, that was included among the Superbrands 2018. Superbrands is the international authority that aims to award those brands that continue to believe in either innovation, communication and sustainability investments. Superbrands is represented by ever-changing brands that keep updating their offers, their languages and their relations among both people and the market, in order to become models of inspiration. For this edition Aran Cucine is the only company, within furniture sector, to be recognized as “Super” next to nationally and internationally well-known brands like Fastweb, 3M and Mulino Bianco. «This is a confirmation – the company writes in a press release – which highlights the efforts that our company is currently facing in innovation and communication fileds to make our brand “Aran Cucine” synonym of modernity and particuarly sensitive to customer needs and market trends.»
During the latest edition of Eurocucina, Aran presented a very original project, Oasi.
Starting from the classic layout of the free-standing kitchen island, this model, designed by Stefano Boeri Architetti, defines a simple single dining table-cooking block that houses all the essential elements of a traditional living space like the typical Italian kitchen: storage, washing, preparation, cooking, serving, consumption and recycling – according to a process that interprets the key principle of circularity but with a special element: a tree inserted in the kitchen as spatial, mnemonic and symbolic reference around which familiar and convivial relationships can gather.