Valcucine at Moacasa in Rome


Valcunine is taking part at Moacasa, the annual event dedicated to the latest trends of the furniture and design sector, that is taking place in Rome until 4 November 2018.
The Italian company of kitchens is present with Vallatinnocenti, the historic retailer of Valcucine, and displays new and exclusive finishes proposed in its collections, thanks to the constant creativity and technological activity of its Style Office and Research and Development Department.
Among the most recent innovation, there are interesting invention in ceramics, an exclusive project created through the coupling with glass, which has always been the company’s main material. In this project, Valcucine collaborated with Laminam, a specialist in the production of large-format ceramic slabs with a minimum thickness for furnishing. This material boasts innumerable properties: it is heat, scratches, abrasions and stains resistant. Easy to clean and non-toxic, it is a hygienic surface suitable for contact with food. Thanks to its expertise, Valcucine has enhanced the potential of ceramics, making it even more resistant through the coupling with glass. Moreover, thanks to the particular processing that allows to cover all the edges without interruption with the work surface, it is possible to fully enjoy the aesthetics of the material. Valcucine offers range of ceramic solutions, declined in the textures of cement, burnished iron, Corten and stone, for a contemporary result.