Sony is ready to a new phase



During Sony Corporate Strategy Meeting, the company defined the aims for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017. According to what reported by the management, Sony’s mid-range corporate plan from FY2015 through FY2017 is transitioning the Company from a period focused primarily on restructuring to a new phase with “profit generation and investment for growth” as its theme. Under this plan, Sony is aiming to realize its transformation into a highly profitable enterprise by implementing the three following strategies: business management that emphasizes profitability, without necessarily pursuing volume; business management that grants each business unit greater autonomy and mandates a focus on shareholder value; clearly defined positioning of each business within a broader business portfolio perspective. The company’s target in FY2017 of consolidated ROE of more than 10% and consolidated operating profit of more than 500 billion yen for the Sony Group remains unchanged, and the company is continuing to manage each of its businesses with the aim of achieving its transformation into a highly profitable enterprise. For the future, the Group will continue to target growth by developing the three pillars of its business — electronics, entertainment and financial services — and creating new business opportunities in these business domains.