Haier: and now the smart fridge also pays the bill


Haier has recently announced the conclusion of a strategic cooperation agreement with China Merchants Bank to launch the All In One Net Payment system on the Xinchu interconnected refrigerator. This very advanced and smart appliance gathers a lot of evolved functions such as ecological services, food information, entertainment, purchase services, and interaction for the customers. According to the background data collected by Xinchu interconnected refrigerator, the proportion of food bought through refrigerators has been rising, since the launch of the Internet refrigerator by Haier in October, 2015. The purchasing is the main intelligent experience scene while using the Xinchu interconnected refrigerator by users. This is also the most important cutting point of “data flow” among Haier’s refrigerator ecosystem. It reflects the idea that Haier refrigerator is user-centered, and would constantly iterate its ecosystem and its resources to provide users with better life services. From the perspective of China Merchants Bank, this cooperation witnesses the beginning of its efforts in the field of intelligent hardware payment. This would be a positive and successful attempt to satisfy the demands of more and more intelligent hardware payment scenes in the era of Internet of Things.