member of the Franke Group management board
Franke has named Lars Völkel as the new Division Head of Franke Kitchen Systems and at the same time as a member of the Franke Group management board. Lars Völkel is taking over the role of president/CEO of Franke’s Kitchen Systems Division with effect from January 1, 2015. Until now, this position has been held temporarily as part of a dual role by Alexander Zschokke, president/CEO of the Franke Group. Lars Völkel has been working as president marketing & sales at Franke since June of this year. In this role, he was already responsible for all sales and marketing units within Franke Kitchen Systems. Before joining Franke, the 39-year-old German was Executive Vice President Luxury Retail & Professional at Nobia, where he was also CEO of Poggenpohl. Previously, he was responsible for Electrolux Major Appliances of Western Europe.