Less crisis more sustainability for Italian companies


scommessa-green-economy[1]According to the last edition of CDP Italy 100 Climate Change Report (titled “Tackling climate change – Recent developments in the strategic vision of Italian companies”), in 2014 Italian companies have increased their investments in sustainability activities by 27% compared to the last year. This means that 3,4 billion euro were spent against the 2,6 billions spent in 2013. The report, edited by SDA Bocconi School of Management, in cooperation with IMQ as scoring partner, has also seen this year an increase in the number of participant companies, that were 53, with 7 new entries compared to 2013, showing the growing interest for the ‘green’ matters and environmental problems. Moreover, in the last five years, enterprises interested in the supply chain emissions have also grown, from 13 to 29. So, the undertaken operations and initiatives have had good results, although sometimes they were followed for too short periods. Finally, the report shows that 91% of the companies believe that climate changes are a risk for their business, but they can be transformed in opportunity.